What is it?

The validation of invoices workflow is a powerful feature of comeDiFact developed specifically for each scenario.

It simplifies and speeds up the entire process of validation of invoices received in an online environment. A multi-company and multi-user tool.

How does it work?

It defines the filters you need and establishes the validation steps of your invoices.

Based on the content of the invoices (amount, supplier, due date, service/product, etc.), you can apply different validation steps to people, groups or departments within the company. Once validated, invoices are automatically integrated in the management system to be accounted.

How is it visualized?

The Workflow menu of each user classifies the invoices based on the different statuses.

  • All

    All the invoices included in the Workflow

  • To validate

    Invoices pending validation

    To validate
  • Accepted

    Accepted invoices

  • Rejected

    Rejected invoices


The administrator user can visualize the status of all invoices included in the validation workflow.


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